Can I really Make Money by Blogging?
“The sad truth is most bloggers, even those who incessantly work on monetization strategies, end up sitting around the few dollars a day mark and find it difficult to rise above this level.”
– Yaro Starak
Make Money Online
Quite advanced bloggers write articles about how much you can earn with your blog. In fact, they will earn money by attracting readers like you to their blogs. None of them will tell the truth, to create a blog, you have to spend your time and money. You need to promote your blog, trying to attract readers, and only in a few years, you can make some money (or not!).
Never give up! You may find these beautiful words in almost every article on how making money online. Of course, you can go under this slogan into a bright future, but do not forget to find a part-time job to pay for your hobby called a blog. You should know that content writing is a hard job. The blogosphere is changing very quickly. Today, visitors like to read articles about fashion and art, but tomorrow it will not be relevant. Perhaps you will be a fashionable, advanced and most-read bloggers, but please do not build illusions about quick money.
Your Actions
Prepare your money to make money! You will pay for each step. If you plan on monetising your blogs, you have to buy a unique design from a developer. You have to spend money hiring consultants to test your blog. Also, if you want to get more traffic and social love, you have to spend money. Cheap options never work.
You need to be social, everyone knows it. You should know that your page in any moment can be blocked for various reasons. Sometimes it can be an unusual activity on your page. This is not a joke!
You should generate traffic first, then go for monetisation. But be careful with ads. Pay attention to the sites and blogs, where there is a lot of advertising. Does it annoy you? Will it annoy your readers? Of course, yes! It looks like a museum of ads.
Choose the Right Niche
Finding the right niche is the most important part of building a blog. First of all, you should be an expert in what you are going to write about on your blog. This theme should be your passion. Only with full understanding and commitment, you can create something valuable for a huge audience. Secondly, you have to think about a “profitable” niche. Do you want to make money or not? If you pick a niche with too much competition, you just get lost in this huge web.
Choose the Right Platform
There are Wix, Joomla, WordPress, Weebly or many others. Each platform has pros and cons, and you have to choose which one feels right for you. You can try a free version, but you will not earn even a cent. In the future, when you actually begin building your actual website, you will want to buy domain and hosting. Blogger – for beginners and those who do not want to spend on a hosting initially. You will spend a lot of time to figure out which option suits you best. You cannot avoid the mistakes.
Choose the Right Hosting Company
You must be very careful in choosing a hosting company. Each of them has its pros and cons. Unscrupulous bloggers write fake positive reviews about a particular product just because they get a commission. Such fantastic stories about hosting companies will lead you to the wrong choice. Choosing the wrong host may bring you to a loss in revenue, hackers and malware attack, slow website loading speeds and more. Choose the most reliable hosting companies. Just look at SiteGround or something else.
Increase Your Knowledge
You do not need to be a programmer, but you need knowledge and understanding of the work of a number of web technologies. You can start a blog, but compared to those who are more familiar with technology, you obviously lose, so don’t expect brilliant results until you increase your knowledge. Lack of knowledge is the main reason why most fail, trying to earn online. This knowledge is what distinguishes 5% of the remaining 95%. Both of them can work equally hard, but as a result, 5% gets more.
What Do You Know About SEO?
You have to know everything about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Otherwise, you will be the first since the end of the search engine. This fashionable term has become a hit on the Internet. You can find a huge number of optimizers who will do this work for your money. But as a rule, their services are not cheap. So what does this mean? Optimization means putting the right keywords, key phrases, and tags on your site’s pages. Google will crawl the text of the pages and determine how to rank your website. You will shed a lot of tears before you learn to avoid the pitfalls many frequently fall into.
Create Wonderful and Useful Content
You have to spend a lot of time to create great content. Everyone says that long-form content tends to rank higher in the search results. Nowadays, no one likes to waste precious time reading huge texts. Most likely, your visitors will go to another site. But you have to write long texts if you want a high rating. Also, resource with technical errors and poor quality content will not be able to occupy a high position in the search. Proof-readers will cost you extra expenses.
Types of Monetization
Pay Per Click
Definitely, you may apply for Google AdSense, but you have to know that not everyone can be admitted to this program. You can make some money if your website or blog has enough traffic with visitors who actually click on the ads there. This type of monetization attracts with its simplicity since you get paid for each click. The more visitors, the more clicks, the more money you can earn. Advertising should not scare off visitors. It should be in harmony with your content. This way works well if your blog has about 10,000 regular visitors per month.
Affiliate Marketing
You can use affiliate links and widgets. Are you ready to advertise a crappy product that does not work, just to earn extra money? You can advertise something, but you should be aware that there is a chance of losing a lot of visitors who will consider you as liars. You can choose the products you believe in and are ready to purchase yourself. Maybe it will bring you some money, but you have to remember, visitors should buy something. Only in this case, you earn a commission. If your visitors purchase products through your links, you receive commissions. If not, you get nothing. You have to come up with a lot of marketing strategy to make that program work and create a long term income for you.
Text Links
You can write reviews about a particular product or service and use text links to monetize your blog. When visitors to your site click on the linked word or phrase, they are taken to a specific page on another website. But you will notice a drop in Google search rankings or elimination from Google search results because you will be associated with spam. The constant struggle for a high ranking in the search engine will make you neurotic.
Selling ad Spaces
You can sell sidebar ads for $5-10 a pop. Can you imagine how many ads you’d need in order to make a full-time income from having ads on your website or blog? Are you sure that your visitors will not run to other sites? Even if you decide to sell advertising space on the site, you need to write hundreds of letters to potential advertisers. Are you sure they will be interested in your blog?
Writing and Selling eBooks
Bloggers will encourage you to subscribe, for free or not, to their books that tell you how to make money by blogging. By the way, you can also write a book about how to make money by blogging. Everyone writes about the same thing, changing the construction of phrases and sentences. What a great idea! Your first book may be called “How to earn your first million by blogging!” It sounds like another masterpiece from new bloggers and content writers. What do readers of such books want? They want to make money quickly without any effort. It’s impossible. You will be very disappointed with purchasing such a book. But someone will earn money from your stupidity.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is still the most effective form of online business but it is really annoying for the people who get a lot of junk mail every day. And soon your visitors will hate you for clogging their mail. Would you like to receive a huge number of unnecessary letters? Think about it twice.
Selling Courses
Not many bloggers have the necessary knowledge to create good and useful courses. If you are able to do something better than others, and want to share your experience and are ready to create a course with high-quality content, then start right now. Do not create a course that only you need, look around what your visitors need.
When Will I Get My First Money?
You can start to monetize your blog when attracting 1000-1500 unique visitors per day. Before that, no one will talk to you, you will receive a response – your application has been declined. The reasons are an incomplete website, irrelevant website and/or content, restricted traffic type and/or source, quality standards not met, no response to a request for further information, and more.
It takes most bloggers at least 2-3 years, sometimes longer, to start to make money on their blog. If you have a lot of time, have some money for the initial steps, a great desire and interest in building a website or blog, then start without a doubt. But above all, write a plan of action. This will help you not to deviate from the intended course. You will find a huge number of beautiful stories about how bloggers make a lot of money on their blogs and now can travel and their lives turned into a fairy tale. Well, you may also write about the same things, why not. Maybe it will attract a lot of visitors to your blog. You need to read user reviews on various sites, and you will understand how easy it is to create a blog, and how hard it is to make money on it.
Content provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.

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